Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reality Check {Day One}

We survived. I survived. First day on our own...gordo, S, and I.

My Mom left Tuesday night :( Initially this was going to be a really sad post - mostly on me complaining about how I'm supposed to get through all this being a new mom stuff alone. Well, not alone, alone. Gordo is the best anyone could ask for...but it's just not the same as having your MOM with you, especially when you are becoming a mom for the first time yourself...[no hard feelings ok, amor?]

So I decided instead to write about how amazing my mother is and turn this into somewhat of an Ode to Mom post [without the poetry - sorry].

Most people couldn't (nor wouldn't want to) imagine having their mother (and mother-in-law!) with them for almost 4 months. Come to think of it, it's the longest stretch I've "lived" with my Mom since before I left for college. But in all the time she was here, I never once wished that she would leave already. And gordo said the same thing to me when we left her at the airport...I wonder how many son-in-laws can say that about their suegras?!

If it seems like I am boasting about my mother - I am. And she deserves the praise - all of it.

I've never seen anyone so attentive, caring, accommodating, generous, and so UNselfish. Granted, she did have her first grandson as incentive, but still, I'm in awe at all the cooking, cleaning, scrubbing, buying, listening, helping, washing, etc. she did while here. From my last month of pregnancy to almost 3 months after, she ran my house and kept me sane (and probably alive by making sure I ate when all I wanted to do was to sleep) throughout the beginning of this roller coaster we call motherhood - and didn't complain ONCE. Not once.

She could have been off playing golf, visiting my brother in New York, on a cruise, travelling - whatever - but she chose to be here with us throughout this adventure, and undoubtedly made it a lot easier on gordo and I.

There really aren't many ways to express our gratitude except repeating 'thank you' countless times. Although we did send her to the spa to save what was left of her fingernails after all the hand washing of baby clothes.

Even though we'll miss her terribly, I'm excited to see how gordo and I do as parents on our own. More to come on that.

But just in case, she is back in 2 months to save us :)